Monday, September 5, 2011

The Crazy Things I Have Done for Harry Potter Part One

Before I get to the funny stuff, I would like to introduce myself, since this is my first post of this blog. My name is Dawn, and I am, for lack of another word, hyperactive. My friends would probably describe me as hysterical, extreme, loud, outgoing, an obsessed Harry Potter and K-Pop lover, and passionate. I would agree that this is all very true.

One thing that people need to understand about me is that Harry Potter is a big part of my life. I am apart of the generation that grew up with the series, and I love it as if it were a dear friend. That being said, I have gone to many lengths to prove just how much that series means to me. These are only a few compilations of what I have done for Harry Potter, but they are the most recent, and the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

1). I have two great friends J and Z, and they are my two main friends that I talk about Potter with. When Pottermore was still giving out early access to a specific worthy few, we all made a plan to refresh the page to see when the clue was posted on the website so that we could gain an early place to get onto Pottermore before the rest of the world. J, our technical support, had found a quick way to figure out the answer of the clue and we were all supposed (I had skipped over this step, telling myself that I would screw it up if I tired) to use if we were the one's that were on the site when the clue was posted. We had all decided to stay up and refresh the page in shifts. J took the first shift staying up until three, while Z would take over and stay up until seven when I would take over. It was all agreed that whoever was awake when the clue came out that they would call the other two and wake them up and tell them the answer to the clue (I had missed this step as well). It was on Z's shift when the page came out with the clue. I remember hearing my phone buzzing and thinking, what the hell? and then literally jumping out of bed.
"Hello? Hello? Is it up, is the clue up?"
"Yeah, it's up," Z said sounding tired but excited.
"Okay, okay, I'm going right now," I said promptly hanging up the phone.
I ran to get my laptop, and rushed to the internet hot spot to ensure prime loading capabilities. I booted it up and rushed to the site and read the clue.
The world seemed to have crashed around me in that moment. I had no idea what the answer was and instead of thinking about the searching for the answer the way J showed us, I sat there and stared at the screen forlorn. I snatched up my phone and held onto it like it was a lifeline. I frantically waited for one of the other two to tell me the answer.
Then like Moses leading his people through the red sea, Z texts me the answer. The affection that soared through my soul at the moment was unbearable. It was thanks to him that I got into Pottermore early.
So at five in the morning, I'm screaming excitedly and running around my house accidentally squashing my cat all because of Harry Potter.

2). I regret this horribly now since all of the Borders have closed or are closing for good, but there is quite a fierce hatred among Potter fans vs. Twilight fans. I went into Borders to go look at the Harry Potter merchandise they had. I searched high and low, all over the store and only found the books, but over in the youth fiction section there was a whole partial dedicated to Twilight. I stared at the wall full of multiple copies of the hated books as if they were cancer. In a fit of rage I stormed out of the store saying to the clerks as I passed, "I'll show you for ignoring the boy who lived!" and proceeded to never enter another Borders until they were having their going out of business sale. I warned them not to fuck with the boy who lived and side with the traitor Diggory.

3). For my eighteenth birthday I had a party themed all around Harry Potter. I had set up the Great Hall in my back yard, and had an HP cake for the occasion. I sorted all of my friends and as we were all sitting at our house tables, the pizza man arrives.
"What the?" the pizza man says to my father. All my father can do is smile. The pizza man leaves my house muttering under his breath something that sounded awfully like 'freaks'

4). I befriended a ginger just so I could bring him to the last HP movie premiere. I have not talked to him since mostly because he thinks me and my friends are all crazy

5). I am a talker during movies especially during an HP movie. SPOILER ALERT! DON'T READ ON IF YOU'VE NOT SEEN THE LAST HP MOVIE OR READ THE LAST HP BOOK! Even though you should have by now if you are reading this. Seriously, do it already or you need to wear a sign that tells of your ignorance. In the last movie after Harry comes into possession of the elder wand, he is, according to the book, supposed to use the wand to fix his old one that was broken in the last movie. Instead of doing that, the audience and I are growing uneasy because it looks as if Harry is about to snap the elder wand! Everyone is moving in their seats uneasily, the hardcore fans like myself are all whispering, fix your wand! With a crack he snaps the elder wand. The audience is silent in their shock at this blatant disregard for the main plot line. I am so upset that I say "God dammit." The crowd erupts in laughter at my tension break.

That's only a few of the crazy things I have done for Harry Potter, but many others like cutting out Ron's face on wrapping paper and plastering his face all over my wall when I was twelve will be talked of later on.



  1. Bahahaha! Oh, Dawnie, I look forward to your future posts. Talk about K-pop in the future, okay?

  2. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha this is fantastic! I was literally laughing out loud for most of this post :)
