Sunday, September 25, 2011


I work at a school, and I get to experience the simple brilliance of children’s minds there. The things they do in my presence are some of the funniest stories I tell, and I have picked out one that stands out above all the rest for today’s post.

At work I am in charge of the nap room and am the worker who makes sure that the children scheduled to take a nap actually sleep. When they wake up I feed them and we go outside to play with the rest of the children. One particular day was one of the napper’s birthdays and she had brought cupcakes to school to share with her class. Some of the cupcakes were left over and I asked her if it would be alright if she and the two other kids taking a nap could each have a cupcake for snack after they slept. She agreed, so I promised all three a cupcake only if they each fell asleep. Of course with collateral made of cupcakes, those children fell asleep within fifteen minutes.
As promised I each gave them a cupcake when they woke up and the excitement over the chocolaty goodness was very evident on their little faces.

After handing out the cupcakes, I left them at the table as I put the cots back out in the hall outside of the room. This only took about a minute, but when I came back into the room, the sight that greeted me was one of absolute hilarity.

I walked to the table, stifling my laughter behind my hand, and sat down. I looked at the boy who had already finished his cupcake, the evidence of its destruction on his face and a crumbly wrapper lying on the table. He was happy as can be, the frosting all around his mouth as if he had tried eating the cupcake in one bite by shoving it up against his face and chewing whatever he could.

“Was the cupcake good?” I asked after a while. He nodded. The two girls were looking at him curiously as they ate their cupcakes much slower. I watched him and remembered how he was telling me his favorite animal was a hippopotamus and how funny he sounded when he said it so I asked him again what his favorite animal was just so I could hear him say it.

This developed to me asking him what his favorite color was.

He sat there and thought about it for a while.

What actually came out of his mouth, well let’s just say that I should’ve expected it.

After I ceased laughing the hardest I think I ever had in my life, I asked him, “So your favorite color is chocolate?” just for confirmation.

What happened next was more unexpected than the first. He looked at me with an outraged and confused expression on his face as if I were some crazy woman and said,

The end

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